Mobile App

Native Mobile App for iOS and Android devices allows full access to CRM Information, Deal Status, Approval Workflow and other features for Bankers on-the-go

Always be on top of the details – even at lunch

You’re visiting a potential borrower over lunch to continue building your relationship. While chatting, CT Mobile allows you to see if there are any outstanding documents or information that the borrower needs to provide in order to move their application along in the approval process.

CT Mobile Dashboard | Credit Track | Commercial Bank Mobile Banking App | Commercial Mobile Banking App

Efficiently enter call reports by speaking or typing

You’re visiting an existing borrower who may need a new loan to purchase equipment. Using CT Mobile, you can enter the opportunity into Credit Track along with your call notes by typing or speaking.

CT Mobile Dashboard | Credit Track | Commercial Bank Mobile Banking App | Commercial Mobile Banking App

Shorten your loan approval cycle

You’re performing a site survey for one of your best clients who is looking for a quick decision on a commercial real estate loan. While at the site, you take a dozen pictures on your phone as background material for the loan package. Instead of waiting until you get back to the office later today or tomorrow, you can upload the pictures straight into their Credit File for the rest of the team to view. While you’re at it, you can grab the additional documentation that you’re missing, upload it, and alert your team that they can continue their analysis.

CT Mobile Dashboard | Credit Track | Commercial Bank Mobile Banking App | Commercial Mobile Banking App

Improve customer service

You’re traveling to an important meeting and need to approve loans in order to keep the bank’s commitments to it’s clients. Using CT Mobile you can view any loan package in your workflow queue and approve it, approve it conditionally, or send it back to the originator for rework.

CT Mobile Dashboard | Credit Track | Commercial Bank Mobile Banking App | Commercial Mobile Banking App

Congratulations, your deal is approved!

CT Mobile helps you take your customer service to the next level. Be more responsive with real-time information and status no matter where you are.

Up to the minute deal status, share and discuss financial analysis, check on covenant status, review and approve deals as soon as due diligence has been completed.

Be on top of every detail in your office, in a meeting with your client or when you’re working from home.

Real-Time Response

CT Mobile helps you take your customer service to the next level. Be more responsive with real-time information and status no matter where you are.

Up to the minute deal status, share and discuss financial analysis, check on covenant status, review and approve deals as soon as due diligence has been completed.

Be on top of every detail in your office, in a meeting with your client or when you’re working from home.

Fully Integrated

A fully integrated extension of the Credit Track system, providing you with quick, easy access to all the functionality and data you need to have meaningful conversations and make decisions when you are away from the office.

Process Aware

Build deeper relationships and close deals faster by always being on top of the details and status of the approval process. You’ll never again have to ask “where’s my deal?”

Let's Schedule a Demo

Is your institution evaluating alternatives for credit risk management and loan processing automation? Are you looking for specific features such as covenant and tickler management, stress testing or custom reporting?

Please fill out the form below to schedule a live preview of our solutions. No hard sell, no eye candy, no nonsense – just a consultative discussion with one of our Consultants on how to best address your needs, concerns and issues.

You can also call us, and we’ll be happy to schedule a time for a live product demo. Our phone number is 888-315-4704.

Corporate HQ

Global Wave Group, LLC
26970 Aliso Viejo Pkwy, Suite 250
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656

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